Motivational, Training

Shoulders (Strength Endurance) Workout


180207 Shoulders & ABs (Strength Endurance)

Phase 2 Strength Endurance Week 2

Please review and let me know if you have any questions.

No matter what exercise you are doing the KEY things you should be thinking about are….

1. Keeping your core tight.
2. Shoulders DOWN and Back
3. Back flat/spine neutral unless otherwise stated

These are so important in the majority of exercises. Keeping our core tight is going to help us push or pull more weight and protect our spines. Keeping our shoulders down and back will keep tension off of our necks and keeping our back flat will also aid in protecting our spine.

Always an active warm up 5-10 minutes prior to starting each workout.

Doing one exercise followed by another with out or with very minimum rest then take a 1-2 min rest then repeat 3-4 Sets.

2-2 = 2 seconds down 2 seconds up

4-1-2 = 4 seconds down 1 second pause 2 seconds up

Shoulders (Strength Endurance):

“¢Shoulder Press 12 Reps, 2-2 tempo
“¢Single Leg Shoulder Press w/Airex Pad 12 Reps, 4-1-2 tempo
4 sets, 1-2 min rest

“¢Seated HEAVY Side Raises 12 Reps, 2-2 tempo
Single Leg Side Raises w/Airex Pad 12 Reps, 4-1-2 tempo
4 sets, 1-2 min rest

“¢Standing Ezbar Upright Rows 12 Reps, 2-2 tempo
“¢Single Leg Upright Rows w/Airex Pad 12 Reps, 4-1-2 tempo
4 sets, 1-2 min rest

“¢Seated Bent Over Reverse Flys 12 Reps, 2-2 tempo
“¢Face Pulls 12 Reps, 4-1-2 tempo
4 sets, 1-2 min rest

“¢Ab Wheel Rollouts 10-20 Reps, Controlled tempo, 2-3 sets, 1 min rest

Cool Down:
-10 min walk on treadmill, 4.5 Incline, 3.5 speed

Try it out and let us know what you think.

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