Back, Abs, Tricep, Biceps

Abs, Back & Arms Hypertrophy Training

This will be a Hypertrophy Style designed workout.

What is Hypertrophy Training?

Hypertrophy-Specific Training (HST) is a method of strength training intended to induce the fastest muscle growth, or hypertrophy, possible, without losing efficacy over an extended period of time, and without the use of anabolic steroids.

What is Time Under Tension?

Time Under Tension is the total amount of time your muscle(s) are under stress (tension) during any movement. For example, while doing Seated Dumb Bell Press, keep your eyes on the clock (with a second hand) the moment you begin to lower the weight to the moment you stop the exercise indicates your Time Under Tension for that movement. The Time Under Tension concept indicates that your muscles must be kept under stress (tension) for a certain amount of time to stimulate strength and size gains.

No matter what exercise you are doing the KEY things you should be thinking about are….

1. Keeping your core tight.
2. Shoulders DOWN and Back
3. Back flat/spine neutral unless otherwise stated

These are so important in the majority of exercises. Keeping our core tight is going to help us push or pull more weight and protect our spines. Keeping our shoulders down and back will keep tension off of our necks and keeping our back flat will also aid in protecting our spine.


1.) 10 min warm up (walk) on treadmill. 4.5 Incline at a 3.9 speed

2.) Shoulder/Scapula Dynamic Exercises with Band.

“¢Over Under’s 20-15-10 Reps
“¢Reverse Flys 20-15-10 Reps

**Increasing intensity each set as reps drop.


3.) Ab Wheel Roll Outs 20 Reps, 3 Sets, Controlled tempo, 30 seconds rest

-2 min rest in between next exercise.


4.) Pull Ups with pause at bottom 8-12 Reps, 4 sets, Controlled (strict) tempo, 2 min rest

-3 min rest in between next exercise.

5.) Barbell Bent Over Rows 8-10 Reps, 4 Sets, 2-2 tempo, 2 min rest

-3 min rest in between next exercise.

6.) Reverse Grip Lat Pulldown 10-12 Reps, 4 Sets, 2-2 tempo, 2 min rest

-3 min rest in between next exercise.

7.) Rope Straight Arm Pulldowns 12 Reps, 3-4 Sets, 2-2 tempo, 1-2 min rest

-3 min rest In between next exercise


8.) Barbell Biceps Curls 1 rep + Barbell Bicep Forehead Curls 1 rep combo = 1 rep and goal is 8 Reps Total, 4 Sets, Controlled tempo, 1-2 min rest

-3 min rest In between next exercise


9.) Cable Tricep Press-down Extensions 12 Reps, 4 Sets, 2-2 tempo, 1-2 min rest

Then to end it with some more Pull Ups with pause at bottom: 5 Reps, 10 Sets, 1 min rest
Try it out and let us know what you think.

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Shoulders: Hypertrophy Training

This will be a Hypertrophy designed workout.

What is Hypertrophy Training?

Hypertrophy-Specific Training (HST) is a method of strength training intended to induce the fastest muscle growth, or hypertrophy, possible, without losing efficacy over an extended period of time, and without the use of anabolic steroids.

What is Time Under Tension?

Time Under Tension is the total amount of time your muscle(s) are under stress (tension) during any movement. For example, while doing Seated Dumb Bell Press, keep your eyes on the clock (with a second hand) the moment you begin to lower the weight to the moment you stop the exercise indicates your Time Under Tension for that movement. The Time Under Tension concept indicates that your muscles must be kept under stress (tension) for a certain amount of time to stimulate strength and size gains.

No matter what exercise you are doing the KEY things you should be thinking about are….

1. Keeping your core tight.
2. Shoulders DOWN and Back
3. Back flat/spine neutral unless otherwise stated

These are so important in the majority of exercises. Keeping our core tight is going to help us push or pull more weight and protect our spines. Keeping our shoulders down and back will keep tension off of our necks and keeping our back flat will also aid in protecting our spine.


1.) 10 min warm up (walk) on treadmill. 4.5 Incline at a 3.9 speed.

I have a hernia I’m waiting to have surgery on to repair. So for the past few weeks just been focusing on trying to get around 10,000 steps a day. Instead of doing certain amounts of cardio each week. Been doing usually 10 minutes before and after each lifting session through out each week.

2.) Shoulders/Scapula Dynamic Exercises with Band.

“¢Over Under’s 20-15-10 Reps
“¢Reverse Flys 20-15-10 Reps

**Increasing intensity each set as reps drop.



3.) Seated Dumbbell Shoulders Press 8-10 Reps, 5 Sets, 2-2 tempo, 2-3 min rest

4.) Shoulders Curl Bar Upright Rows (medium/wide grip) 8-10 reps, 3-4 sets, 2-2 tempo, 2-3 min rest

5.) Shoulders Side Lateral Raises 8-12 Reps, 3-4 Sets, Super controlled eccentric part of movement, 2-3 min rest

6.) Face Pulls 12-15 Reps, 3 sets, 2-2 tempo, 1-2 min rest

7.) Monster Set to finish shoulders off;

Behind Neck Press 10 Reps
In Front Neck Press 10 Reps
Barbell Front Raises 10 Reps
Barbell Up Right Rows 10 Reps
1 min rest, 4 sets


8.) 10 min warm up (walk) on treadmill. 4.5 Incline at a 3.9 speed.

Try it out and let us know what you think.

For MORE INFO/Online Coaching just click link above.

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Chest & Arm Hypertrophy Workout

What is Hypertrophy Training?

Hypertrophy-Specific Training (HST) is a method of strength training intended to induce the fastest muscle growth, or hypertrophy, possible, without losing efficacy over an extended period of time, and without the use of anabolic steroids.

What is Time Under Tension?

Time Under Tension is the total amount of time your muscle(s) are under stress (tension) during any movement. For example, while doing Seated Dumb Bell Press, keep your eyes on the clock (with a second hand) the moment you begin to lower the weight to the moment you stop the exercise indicates your Time Under Tension for that movement. The Time Under Tension concept indicates that your muscles must be kept under stress (tension) for a certain amount of time to stimulate strength and size gains.

No matter what exercise you are doing the KEY things you should be thinking about are….

1. Keeping your core tight.
2. Shoulders DOWN and Back
3. Back flat/spine neutral unless otherwise stated

These are so important in the majority of exercises. Keeping our core tight is going to help us push or pull more weight and protect our spines. Keeping our shoulders down and back will keep tension off of our necks and keeping our back flat will also aid in protecting our spine.


1.) 10 min warm up (walk) on treadmill. 4.5 Incline at a 3.9 speed.

I have a hernia I’m waiting to have surgery on to repair. So for the past few weeks just been focusing on trying to get around 10,000 steps a day. Instead of doing certain amounts of cardio each week. Been doing usually 10 minutes before and after each lifting session through out each week.

2.) Shoulder/Scapula Dynamic Exercises with Band.

“¢Over Under’s 20-15-10 Reps
“¢Reverse Flys 20-15-10 Reps

**Increasing intensity each set as reps drop.

3.) Push Ups 3 Sets 15-20 Reps, 2-3 second eccentrics and 1-2 second concentric, 1 min rest

4.) Incline Barbell Press 4 Sets 10 Reps, 3-4 second eccentrics and 1-2 second concentric, 2 min rest

5.) Bench Press 4 Sets 10 Reps, 3-4 second eccentrics and 1-2 second concentric, 2 min rest

6.) Decline Press 4 Sets 10 Reps 3-4 second eccentrics and 1-2 second concentric, 2 min rest

7.) Flat Bench Dumbbell Chest Flys 3 Sets 12 Reps, 3-4 second eccentrics and 1-2 second concentric. 1-2 min rest

8.) Barbell (Bicep) Curls 3 Sets 12-15 Reps 3-4 second eccentrics and 1-2 second concentric, 1 min rest

9.) Flat Bench Skull (Tricep) Crushers 3 Sets 12-15 Reps 3-4 second eccentrics and 1-2 second concentric, 1 min rest

Then to finish….

10.) 10 min warm up (walk) on treadmill. 4.5 Incline at a 3.9 speed.

Try it out and let us know what you think.

For MORE INFO/Online Coaching just click link above.


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Fats Make Us Fat?

Eating Fats directly will not make us Fat. Eating a diet high in Fats and high in Carbs (caloric surplus) can make us fat but not directly because of Fats. In fact research shows that a diet high in Fats but low in Carbs leads to more weight loss over low Fat diets.

I mean who doesn’t love eating some Fats? They include delicious foods in their own right like egg yolks, bacon, salmon, olive oil, nuts, salmon, whole fat yogurt, nut butters, cottage cheese, flaxseed. Fats that make already tasty foods a little more flavorful.

10 benefits of Fats;

1.) better body composition
2.) more muscle
3.) easier fat loss
4.) better reproductive health
5.) Better Brain Function & Mood with Less Risk of Depression
6.) Stronger Bones & Less Risk of Osteoporosis
7.) reduce cancer risk
8.) Better Cholesterol Ratio and Reduced Heart Disease Risk
9.) stronger immune system
10.) better eye and skin health

Simple Info:
Weight Loss: Caloric Deficit
Maintain: Maintenance Calories
Weight Gain: Caloric Surplus

Calculating Macros:
1g Carb = 4 calories
1g Protein = 4 calories
1g Fat = 9 calories


-Coach Dustin

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Facebook @teammacroscoach

IG @macroscoach

IG Clients @macroscoachclients

Twitter @macroscoach


alcohol, macros, carbs, fats, proteins, calories, carb, protein

How To Track Alcohol!

For those who like to drink here and there. Not that I suggest especially for those trying to lose weight/fat. But I know some like to incorporate it with in your daily lifestyle and the holiday weekend. So here is how you track Alcohol.

Calculating Macros:
1g carb = 4 calories
1g protein = 4 calories
1g fat = 9 calories

1g alcohol = 7 calories

Now Alcohol is not required for survival so not consider a main macro nutrient that is required each day but does provide calories. That have to be accounted for. Generally towards daily fats or carbs. I personally recommend just using them towards daily carbs. But I’ll give you both examples.

So let’s say we have an alcoholic beverage that is 180 calories. 0g Fats 1g Carb 0g Protein.

Example for Fats:
1g carb = 4 calories so that leaves 176 calories which are alcohol calories.

So since 1g Fat = 9 calories

176 divided by 9 = 19.5g Fats

So this drinks macros are:
19.5g Fats 1g Carb 0g Protein

Example for Carbs:
So we have 180 calories divided by 4 (since 1g carb = 4 calories) = 45

So this drink is worth 0g fats 45g carbs 0g Protein.

So personally I think it’s easier to just convert it to carbs only.

Hope this helps and please feel free share.

-Coach Dustin

New Year Motivation

Athlete Ashley…..After years of battling obesity, I’ve somehow conditioned my brain to associate weight loss as good”, and weight gain as bad.” No matter what I see in the mirror, no matter how many times you explain bulking, I still wake up and allow my weight to dictate how I feel about myself. I know obsessing over the number on the scale is NOT healthy, and I realize I am literally driving myself crazy! Today I remind myself to Trust the Process!” I am seeing changes, and I need to be patient, not get so discouraged, and trust that with consistency and time, I will get there! This picture is also to remind me that the number on the scale does NOT mean good,” bad,” healthy,” or unhealthy.” I’m 50 lbs heavier than the 2nd picture and probably 100 times healthier!

-Athlete Ashley

What Are Macros?

There are 4 main categories.


Which are measured in grams, and provide a caloric value.

🔘Carbs 1g = 4 calories 🍓🍞🍠🥕🍙
Fruits, Whole Grains, Potatoes, Vegetables, Added Sugars.

🔘Protein 1g = 4 calories 🍗🍤🍳🥚
Meats, Seafood, Dairy, Fish, Whey Protein.

🔘Fats 1g = 9 calories 🍾🥜🥑
Oils, Nuts, Seeds, Avocados

🔘Alcohol 1g = 7 calories 🍺🍸🍷
Beer, Cocktails, Wine.

All three nutrients are important for over all bodily functions. And survival. How much of each? That will depend differently per individual. Based on goals, limitations, lifestyle and nutritional profile.

How we determine a clients daily macro requirements. I like to use the Harris Benedict Equation to help determine a good estimate of my clients TDEE. (Total Daily Energy Expenditure). Once that is determined, then based on goals either subtract or add 300 to 500 Calories. Then first decide on protein intake/calories %. Then break the rest of the calories into fats and carbs. Depending on individuals body type, goals and lifestyle will determine their specific break down. As I don’t just focus on certain %’s for every single person. Because we are unique and have our own nutritional profiles. More info click the ONLINE COACHING tab.

-Coach Dustin

Tracking Macros & Intuitive Eating

Sooooo good

I was busy all day working one day last week. Got behind on my macros. So it was late and just was looking for a lot of calories. As I was craving something fried as well. So we got this. I have zero clue what these macros are for this meal. Beauty of tracking macros/intuitive eating. Depending on your food choices. You can eat whatever you want. And still get results. Food is food. Quality of food is a different story and different blog post. So learn to enjoy yourself with out the guilt.

-Coach Dustin

Meal Timing For Weight Loss/Weight Gain

When talking Weight Loss or weight gain. It’s strictly about calories in versus calories out. Either you are eating in a Deficit or a Surplus. Now depending on particular goals such as body fat % or sports performance related meal timing (food choices etc) maybe more optimal. But for General weight loss or weight gain. Eat when you want based on lifestyle, schedule.

Grocery Shopping

A little nightly grocery shopping with a IIFYM Flexible Dieting approach.

IIFYM Flexible Dieting is just simply mixing and matching a variety of (healthy) foods to fit our present macro nutrient requirements; Fats, Carbs and Proteins while also meeting daily fiber intake. So where the food comes from is a personal preference. So here is a list of what we got tonight.



Ground Beef

Chicken Thighs


Ice Cream





Crackers with Cheese

Chocolate Covered Almonds

Calculating Macros:

1g Fats = 9 calories

1g Carbs = 4 calories

1g Protein = 4 calories

1 g Alcohol = 7 calories