
9 Fat Free/Low Fat Carbs (Carbohydrates) Choices


-Carbs can help boost your mood. Carbs promote the production of serotonin, a feel-good brain chemical.

-Carbs can help prevent weight gain””and even promote weight loss. Many carbohydrates contain dietary fiber, which is actually an indigestible complex carbohydrate.

-Carbs are good for your heart. Increasing your soluble-fiber intake (a type of fiber found in carb-rich foods like oatmeal and beans) by 5 to 10 grams each day could result in a 5 percent drop in bad” LDL cholesterol.

-Carbs will help you trim your waistline. Swapping refined grains for whole grains may help reduce total body fat and belly fat.

-Carbs help keep your memory sharp.

Here is a list of 9 fat free/low fat carbohydrates to help you meet your daily requirements.

Some Cereal’s (some but low fat)
Grape juice
Potatoes (sweet or white)
Rice (white or brown)
Fat free candy
Pasta (whole grain)
Corn tortillas (some but low fat)

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Late Night Macro Tracking Tip!

You wake up bright and early. Drink your water and fix your breakfast. As we all know tracking first thing in the morning can be like a kid at the candy store. Pretty much anything will fit…..ha ha unless you are on poverty (low) Macros 😢.

Now you are off and on about your day. Lunch time you track accordingly then you get home for dinner as well. You have eaten pretty good all day but you still got a few Macros left over. And now you are like 😨what am I going to eat to hit my numbers without going over on one or the other. Something everybody at some point has or will experience.

So I suggest having some staple foods” in your house, or wherever you live.  This will help you hit those last little bit of macros that are left over.

Here are few suggestions;

Protein options:

-(most) Whey Protein powders

-Egg Whites

-White Fish/Shrimp

-Chicken Cutlets

Carbohydrate options:





-Fat Free Candy

Fat options:

-Olive Oil

-Fish Oil


There are other options but hopefully these are some that can help you as these are a few that came to the top of our head.

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Dead Lifts

Proper Alignment should be first priority. 

1.) The Bar must be placed over the middle of the foot.

2.) The Arms must be locked into extension.

3.) The back must be held in rigid extension. A slight thoracic rounding is acceptable as long as you can maintain overall tightness.

4.) The Shoulders (scapulae) must be directly over top of the bar.

As long as these four steps are satisfied, the hips will be in precisely that correct position no matter how high they feel.

Conventional Dead Lift:


When first setting up, you want to get a hip width stance. With your toes pointed out slightly, and bar about 1-2 inches from your shins. This will place the bar over the middle of your foot. Then you want to grip the bar without lowering your hips. And just outside your thighs. After getting a tight grip on the bar, start to lower your hips slowly. Once you shins have made contact with the bar. You will then stop and pull chest up. This will help flatten your back. With the shoulders they should be back and down. And this will help place back into a rigid extension and reaches all the way down to the lumbar region. A most crucial aspect of this process is to lift the chest up and contract the lats to set back angle. 

With a tight grip we want to drive the bar off the ground, while pushing your feet through the floor. Dragging the bar up your legs making contact with shins. Once bar reaches your knees. Contact your gluteus (hip thrust) to bring hips forward to meet the bar. While continuing to drag bar up your thighs. Standing fully erect  with your shoulders back, chest up and knees locked.

As in the squat, an initial breath should be taken before descending into position and held through out the movement until bar comes to lock out. In order to maximize skill acquisition, multiply sets of single reps are often preferred than multiple rep sets.

Sumo Dead Lift:


Is a much wider stance than the conventional dead lift. By widening the distance between the feet, a shorter range of motion is created. Start by setting the stance with toes pointed out and shins touching or 1 to 2 inches from the bar. This will vary depending on your flexibility. If you are a taller and less flexible athlete you should set up with your shins further away from the barbell. After you set your feet, bend over at the waist while keeping the legs as straight as possible but without lowering the hips. Your grip should be just inside your thighs. Squeezing the bar as hard as possible while leaving your hips up. Lower your hips slowly and allow the knees to come forward and tell your stand touch the bar if they haven’t already. Once your stance contact the bar, stop and pull up your chest as hard as you can. Similar to the conventional deadlifts, this maneuver arches your back And set the torso angle. Just before initiating the pull, tighten every muscle in your body and simultaneously drive the feet down into the ground. Keep your head up and squeeze your glutes to bring the hips toward the bar while dragging the bar up the legs. Stand fully erect with shoulders back, chest out it up, it’s through, and knees locked.

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macro Coaching

Client Spotlight Lacey Salas

macro Coaching

Macros Coach, LLC client Lacey has been working with us since January 5, 2017.

She originally signed up for just 8 weeks. Then got her husband to join and both have been working with us since.

Lacey had a super busy business schedule, loves to travel and loves the out doors.

As you can see she has maintained basically same weight but has added lean muscle while dropping some body fat.

When you are consistent you get consistent results.

For Macro Coaching and Online Training click link above or email us at


Benefits Of Yoga

Here are some of the benefits: – Increased flexibility

– Increased muscle strength

– Improved respiration, energy and vitality

– Maintaining a balanced metabolism

– Help with weight loss

– Cardio and circulatory health

– Improved athletic performance

– Strengthen Connective Tissues

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Weight loss

6 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Losing Weight

Weight loss

1.) Stress management is part of a healthy lifestyle. As we all deal with stress but the key is to learn how to manage it as extra stress can lead or cause weight gain.

2.) You could be building muscle which can cause weight to stay or even go up. But doesn’t mean you added body fat.

3.) Getting proper rest each night is key factor to recovery and weight/fat loss goals.

4.) Just because it fits within your daily macronutrient requirements doesn’t always mean it’s what’s best for our bodies based on goals and personal limitations. So be mindful of what you’re eating.

5.) Not tracking correctly, not measuring and estimating can cause your daily macros to be off without even realizing it.

6.) Consistency is the key and without being consistent there will never be any consistent results.

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Flexible Dieting, Clean Eating

Flexible Dieting | Clean Eating

Both approaches are okay depending on goals, lifestyle and unique nutritional profiles. As the key is to be strict but not restricted. Learning how to eat the right amount (calories/macros) along with the right foods to help you reach your goals.

Clean Eating is simply eating just whole foods, or “real” foods “” those that are un- or minimally processed, refined, and handled, making them as close to their natural form as possible. Not counting calories, or macronutrients. But more of a just Mindful Eating Approach.

Flexible Dieting is not your traditional diet. In fact it’s more about focusing on food composition; like foods that are made up of in terms of the macronutrients, micronutrients, and dietary fiber. It aims to provide a practical solution to dieting which is maintainable in the long term, giving you that sustainable approach.

Flexible Dieting is simple learning how to mix and match a variety of (healthy) foods to meet present macronutrients, and dietary needs. And depending on goals, limitations and nutritional profile where the food comes from is a personal preference. So if you want to eat a slice of pizza, doughnut, a cookie or bowl of ice cream. And it fits with in your daily macronutrient, fiber requirements you can eat it. And it not effect your body composition. As macronutrients determine weight loss or weight gain. Thermodynamics, Calorie in verse calories out.

Heard of the 80/20 Rule? Which is where 80% or more of your daily intake comes from nutrient dense, whole and minimally processed foods while the remaining 20% or les of your daily intake can then come from any other food sources of your choosing that allow you to reach your macronutrient targets for the day. This allowing for a more sustainable long term approach.

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Fat loss

Top Foods For Fat Loss

When trying to lose weight/fat our biggest struggle comes down to hunger. So you want to make sure you are eating low calorie foods that are high volume. So here is a great list of some food choices that are packed with micro nutrients. Now the key is to have variety so you don’t have to eat these every day.

1.) Eggs; you can eat eggs at anytime of the day, however only boiled eggs not fried.

Fat loss

2.) Plums; are great for healthy cardio vascular system because they are rich in potassium and vitamin c.

Fat loss

3.) cucumbers; are very hydrating because they are made of more than 90% water. They also fight swelling.

Fat loss

4.) Berries; currant and cranberries are rich in Vitamin c, Strawberries promote healthy heart and proper digestion and currant also fights edema.

Fat loss

5.) Beet; regulate the blood sugar levels, the strengthen the muscles and also promote fat burning.

Fat loss

6.) pineapple; are rich in bromelian, and compound that promotes fat burning.

Fat loss

7.) celery: promotes weight loss and act like a diuretic because they are made up of 95% water

Fat loss

8.) Salad; one lettuce leaf contains 3 calories which is why a salad is always a great option for a snack.

Fat loss

9.) Melon; the melon will clear the toxins from your body and at the same time and keep you hydrated.

Fat loss

10.) zucchini; regulates the water salt ratio in the body, the lower the energy after a heavy meal and promote intestinal health.

Fat loss

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ABs, Ab rollouts

Ab Wheel Rollouts

Ab Wheel Rollouts great exercise that targets you rectus abdominal muscles.

Besides Cable Kneeling Crunches. This is one of our favorite exercises for targeting Abs without doing any major compound movements.

ABs, Ab rollouts

ŒHead Up
ŒArched Back
ŒNo neutral spine

œ…Head down
œ…Flat Back
œ…Neutral Spine

ABs, Ab rollouts

1.) Hold the Ab Roller with both hands and kneel on the floor or on top of a pad to protect your knees.

2.) Then place the Ab Roller on the floor in front of you so that you are on all your hands and knees (as in a kneeling push up position). This will be your starting position.

3.) Slowly roll the ab roller straight forward, stretching your body into a straight position. Tip: Go down as far as you can without touching the floor with your body. Breathe in during this portion of the movement.

4.) After a pause at the stretched position, start pulling yourself back to the starting position as you breathe out. Tip: Go slowly and keep your abs tight at all times.

It’s recommended if you have lower back problems or even a hernia you might want to refrain from doing this exercise.

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Weight loss, fat loss

Weight Loss, Fat Loss Expectations Vs Reality

Œ Expectations vs œ… Reality..

Weight Loss, Fat Loss is not an over night sensation. There will be Ups and Downs especially if you are a female. So stay consistent, have patience and give it time.

What it all takes:
œ…Bad ass attitude
œ…Lifting Heavy Weights
œ…Eating the right amount
œ…Drinking Coffee

Caloric Deficit = weight/fat loss
TDEE = maintenance
Caloric Surplus = weight/muscle gain

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